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  • Writer's pictureEileen Tublin

Career Clarity: Breaking the Myth of Being Alone in Struggles, Setbacks, and Dissatisfaction

Do you feel you’re the only one struggling to define your career? Do you think you are the only one among your peers that is falling behind, struggling financially, or unsuccessful? Does it seem like everyone else is happy and thriving at work while you find each day dull? Or somehow you ended up in a position simply to survive and are struggling to find meaning?

The reality is, if you have any of these thoughts, you are absolutely not alone. Mentors and friends of mine consistently share their own past experiences related to similar struggles. Below, you will learn how important it is to stay engaged with your work while you identify your transformational needs. In this post, you will obtain reassurance and tips related to the feelings you face right now.

As referenced in a CNBC article, a 2022 Gallup survey found, “In the U.S. specifically, 50% of workers reported feeling stressed at their jobs on a daily basis, 41% as being worried, 22% as sad, and 18% angry.” While 2022 was a drastically different year in comparison to 2023, the sentiment from the survey proves workers struggle with stress, worry, sadness, and anger.

From a corporate perspective, employees facing frustration may lead to disengagement. When employees become disengaged, then the companies will be frustrated as well. The outcomes are not desirable. “Employees who are not engaged or who are actively disengaged cost the world $7.8 trillion in lost productivity, equal to 11% of global GDP.”

If you struggle with these emotions or are having a difficult time with your current role, it is critical that you stay engaged and perform to your fullest. You must commit to your job while identifying your inner struggles. Remember, companies cannot snap their fingers to make you happy. Companies care about performance, money, and execution.

If you want to control your journey, you must look inward. Perhaps you will be lucky and identify opportunities within your current organization that help lead to the transformation you need. Or perhaps, your struggles are beyond the day-to-day job and are deeper. Whichever the circumstance, you need to perform well until you figure “it” out - whatever “it” is for you.

You are the only one who can influence your transformation. You need to believe the circumstances will change when the timing is right. The process must be completed on its own timeline, not your arbitrary timeline. Your mindset cannot be forced. You will create your path with self-reflection, hard work, and focus.

Your circumstances are temporary.

Your unhappiness is temporary.

Your current financial situation is temporary.

Whatever your struggle, the struggle is temporary.

Various philosophers say happiness is a mindset, and this is true. One can be grateful, one can be generally content, one can find happiness each day however, one can still feel lingering sadness deep within their soul. Happiness does not need to be a 24/7 feeling. Part of the beauty in life is the contrasts and conflicts each day. To understand and embrace happiness, one must experience sadness and adversity.

After having yet another discussion with someone who feels “stuck” in their circumstances, I chose to write these comments for anyone who struggles right now:

  1. Your circumstances are temporary. Find the opportunity in your current situation.

  2. Use this time to define yourself, find clarity in your desires, and create meaning.

  3. Comparison is self-torture. Your journey is all that matters and there is no correct way to become successful.

  4. Success is your own definition. Define what success means to you.

  5. Nearly everyone has faced similar growing pains. Not everyone listens to their intuition, not everyone addresses the struggle the same. Find what works for you.

Only you have the answers for your struggles, your destination, and your necessary action steps. This does not mean you must search for these answers alone. You can chat with friends, mentors, and family. You can message me and we can brainstorm.

Now, if you determine starting your own business is the path for you - congratulations, get started.

If you determine there is a role internally you can grow into, work with your employer to show you are engaged and willing to pick up new projects to learn.

Be an engaged individual who finds success no matter what. Employed or not, there is opportunity.


For me personally, I know my path is under construction. The path unravels and develops each day, even if I’m unsure what that looks like. I know I’m taking all necessary measures to make progress. While the path develops, I know my destination is clear: to become a well-respected, strong, data-driven business leader with high empathy, clarity and to lift others as I go. If there is anything I can do to help you during your journey, please feel free to reach out.

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