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  • Writer's pictureEileen Tublin

6 Tips to Help You Escape the Stagnant Feeling - "I feel stuck"

Throughout my career, there have been several points where I felt “stuck”. Thanks to vulnerability becoming prevalent, I hear that many people go through a stuck period. In fact, some people never get out of the “stuck” rut.

Just the other day, there was a Reddit thread where someone asked “Is anyone else just totally lost in life?”. There were a staggering amount of comments where people of all ages mentioned feeling lost, feeling stuck, and not knowing who they are. One thoughtful comment on the thread was along the lines of, “oftentimes children are asked, what do you want to be when you grow up? The question is not, who do you want to be?”

As children, we were once told if we went to school, if we went to college, if we landed a certain job and got married, we will be successful. This one-size fits all approach does not consider individual differences. The so-called dream does not consider lifestyle preferences, curiosities, interests, and adjusting to the times.

This vision that was once painted for Americans is now being questioned by all generations. Is college, a Masters degree, a PhD worth the debt associated with the paper? Is working in an office 16 hours each day creating a meaningful life? Each individual has their own answer to these questions. Each person has their own vision of what makes sense for them.

The reality is, no one can tell you how to get out of feeling stuck. The answers are within yourself and they require thoughtful, intentional work. The chances you will find those answers on a one-week vacation in Bali or a day of running errands is unlikely. Consistent thoughts, and consistent intentionality over time will deliver your answers.

For you today are 6 Tips to help you escape the stagnant feeling, the “I feel stuck” feeling:

  • Reflect on your circumstances - Journal

Write out your situation. What do you feel “stuck” with in your life? Is it your job? Is it your social life? Is it all aspects of your life? Be honest with yourself. “The only way forward is through.”

2. Identify the root cause of your emotions

Perhaps you just lost a loved one or moved across the country. A big event can trigger all sorts of emotions. Identify the root cause of your emotions. Maybe your job or life is not so bad and there are other lingering emotions you must face.

3. Obtain outside perspectives.

You can find a mentor or a solid circle to obtain different perspectives from. There is value in brainstorming your circumstances and desires to identify the optimal path forward. Consider alternative approaches or solutions to the problem at hand. Are there different paths you can take? Be open to new ideas and possibilities. Sometimes a fresh perspective can open doors that you hadn't considered before.

4. Define your new goals to work towards

The key to creating change and dissolving the stagnant feeling is to identify new goals to work towards. The goal can be as simple as walking outside daily or as grand as founding your own software company. Simply having a goal to work towards and taking action will slowly dissolve the “stuck” feeling.

5. Create manageable steps to obtain your goals

Small, manageable steps will help you feel like you are making progress. Work backward from your goals to determine what steps can be achieved over time to reach your goals.

6. Now Focus and execute

Getting unstuck takes time and effort. Stay persistent and patient with yourself. Do so with an intentional focus on daily actions. With intentional focus and execution each day, you will have small wins to celebrate along the way. Change doesn't happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you will gradually move forward.

Remember, everyone's journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Be kind to yourself, stay open-minded, and adapt these steps to your specific situation.

If you are looking for a coach to help you navigate your situation, I am happy to help you (for free) so please feel free to message me!

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