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  • Writer's pictureEileen Tublin

5 Prioritization Strategies

In a world with constant distractions, time management and prioritization skills are critical. There will be times in life when focusing on work can be difficult. However, by following specific prioritization strategies, you can make progress.

Below are 5 prioritization strategies proven to be effective:

1) Set clear goals - quarterly, monthly, and daily

Whether you work for a large company or own your own business, there are likely larger quarterly targets you are aiming for. Break down your quarterly goals into monthly milestones and identify the daily tasks to help you achieve those goals. Print your quarterly and monthly goals then place them near your workspace. Each night, list out your daily goals for the following day so you can begin your day with clarity.

2) Make a to-do list

Write down your tasks to accomplish for the day - digital notes or old-fashioned pen and paper are fine. I prefer handwriting my tasks and usually have a combination of weekly and daily to-do lists. To-do lists help me stay focused on my goals and priorities. Any time a new commitment or task pops up, I add the item to my to-do list and put a deadline date associated with the task.

A critical component of effective prioritization is being able to recognize which tasks are of higher priority. Any time new tasks get added to your list, be sure to revisit which tasks are most pressing for the week.

3) Utilize Calendar Blocking

Calendar blocking can help with time management and create space for deep focus work. Since not all tasks require the same skills or energy levels, calendar blocking may help protect valuable, high-energy time for focusing on high-energy tasks. Effective calendar blocking allows you to control your day and gives you time to knock off items on your to-do list. Without effective calendar blocking, the day may easily escape with back-to-back meetings and no time for productivity.

4) Identify your key tasks which will drive 80% of your results

The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. Identify what the key tasks are that influence 80% of your results and ensure those are high-priority task items on your lists.

5) Practice self-discipline

Self-discipline is showing up for yourself and for others. Self-discipline is reducing distractions and interruptions. Create a focused workspace to increase productivity. Show up, accomplish great work, and practice daily.

Remember, prioritization is a skill that improves with practice. Be patient with yourself and continuously strive to refine your prioritization techniques.

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